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Limited Company Buy to Let.

Unlocking the Potential of Limited Company Buy to Let

In the realm of property investment, a multitude of paths beckons, and one that has garnered significant attention in recent years is the concept of Limited Company Buy to Let. But what precisely does this innovative approach offer to astute investors? Let’s embark on a journey of exploration.

Limited Company Buy to Let can be a versatile strategy, offering numerous benefits, including enhanced tax efficiency, an added layer of asset protection, improved borrowing options, superior succession planning, scalability for portfolio growth, and an elevated level of professionalism. In the hands of discerning property investors, it becomes a formidable tool.

This approach not only brings tax advantages and safeguards for your assets but also introduces a strategic framework for managing and expanding your property portfolio. However, before immersing yourself in this avenue, it is imperative to seek counsel from financial and legal experts to ascertain its alignment with your investment objectives and financial circumstances.

When wielded wisely, Limited Company Buy to Let has the potential to unlock exciting opportunities within the dynamic realm of property investment.

Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. Not all Buy to Let Mortgages are regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority.

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Limited Company Buy to let – Purchase & Remortgage

In the world of property investment, one financing option that often comes into play is the “buy-to-let mortgage.” If you’re considering dipping your toes into the world of property investment or expanding your existing real property portfolio, understanding what a buy-to-let mortgage is and how it works is crucial.

A buy to let mortgage is a specialized type of mortgage loan designed specifically for individuals who want to purchase residential properties with the primary intention of renting them out to tenants. Unlike traditional mortgages, which are used to finance the purchase of a primary residence, buy-to-let mortgages cater to the needs of property investors and landlords.

A limited conpany buy to let mortgage can be complex with many hurdles to jump through, which is why the advisors at Look After My Mortgage have established relationships with buy to let mortgage lenders and our experience will help find you the most suitable buy to let mortgage product.

Buy to Let – House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

A House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is a type of rental property where three or more unrelated individuals (or households) live together and share common facilities such as a kitchen, bathroom, or toilet. HMOs are typically associated with properties that are divided into multiple separate bedrooms and rented out individually to tenants. HMOs can take various forms, including houses, flats, and buildings with multiple units.

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Limited Company Portfolio landlord – purchase & remortgage

A portfolio landlord is an individual (or entity) that owns multiple residential properties, typically five or more, that are financed by mortgages. These landlords manage a diverse range of properties, which could include houses, apartments, or other residential real estate, often with the intention of generating rental income.

Portfolio landlords often require a higher level of financial acumen and time commitment & many ‘high street’ buy to let lenders will not finance portfolio landlords. When buying or remortgaging it’s crucial your advisor understands your portfolio and the marketplace for mortgages. At Look After My Mortgage, we understand all aspects of buy to lets.

Limited Company Buy to Let – ICR

When considering whether to purchase a buy-to-let property as a Limited Company  or in your personal name, one of the critical factors to evaluate is the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR). Here’s a comparison of the two approaches:

Tax Efficiency: One of the primary reasons individuals choose Limited Company buy-to-let properties is the potential for tax efficiency.

Corporation tax rates are typically lower than personal income tax rates.

Expense Deductions: Limited Company buy-to-let offer a broader range of expenses from rental income, potentially reducing taxable profits.

Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR): Limited Company buy-to-let are far more forgiving when it comes to Interest Coverage Ratio, some lenders will even let us use the payrate.

At Look After My Mortgage, we understand all aspects of buy to lets, if you would like to know, please contact one of our mortgage advisors.

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Benny RashidBenny Rashid
14:49 27 Jun 23
I had 3 days before my mortgage rolled onto the variable standard rates. I called Anesh to help me out. Anesh made time for me out of working hours and helped me secure my mortgage renewal by going through the application and secured a good rate for me. I couldn’t vouch enough for Anesh. A good family man who cares about his client base as well and everything is very honest and upfront.
Hayley BenadieHayley Benadie
14:02 24 Feb 23
As things do in life I found Anesh through word of mouth from other happy clients who also happen to know me , Anesh made me feel safe and confident in the whole process right off the back , he took time to explain the process and ease my concerns , he took all the hassle out of the paper work to the point of it being stress free , even after the offer of Morgage he has remained invested in the process and is often at the end of the phone when I need advise or guidance in other steps of the process, Anesh thank you for the amazing work you do
Brendan PalmerBrendan Palmer
20:32 20 Jan 23
I honestly cannot recommend Anesh enough, he works endlessly around the clock to make sure your every need is met. So quick and good at what he does. Never pushey, always gives you plenty of options and as much information as possible. Not only for your mortgage but for all your financial needs. So positive and has a smile on his face every time. I’m pleased he isn’t just a one off service, he’s an ongoing helper and builds a great relationship!
Carla BrooksCarla Brooks
13:00 15 Dec 22
Anesh has been a great mortgage advisor to us! Nothing seemed too much trouble at all for him. He gave his honest opinion on things and have helped me and my partner become first time buyers. Muchly appreciated all his help. Great communication and service.


What is a limited company buy-to-let property?

A limited company buy-to-let property is a real estate investment where the property is owned by a limited company rather than an individual. The limited company purchases and manages the property for the purpose of generating rental income and potential capital appreciation.

What are the advantages of owning buy-to-let properties through a limited company?

Some advantages include potential tax benefits, asset protection, and the ability to deduct a broader range of expenses from rental income. Limited companies may also offer better liability protection and estate planning benefits.

What are the tax implications of owning a buy-to-let property through a limited company?

Tax implications can vary, but, limited companies pay corporation tax on rental profits, which may be more tax-efficient than personal income tax. However, changes in tax laws can impact the overall tax position, so it’s essential to seek advice from a tax expert.

How do I set up a limited company for buy-to-let investments?

Setting up a limited company involves registering with Companies House and adhering to legal and financial obligations. It’s advisable to consult with a business advisor or accountant who specializes in property investments to navigate this process.

You can purchase a buy to let from day one of setting up the company.

I've not set up a Limited Company, can I still buy a property?

The Limited Company buy to let does not need to be trading & can start to buy properties from day one.

Can I transfer existing buy-to-let properties into a limited company?

Yes, it’s possible to transfer existing properties into a limited company, but this process can have tax implications. You may incur capital gains tax and stamp duty costs. Consult with a tax professional to understand the best approach for your situation.

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